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Craft ideas and instructions

Earring holders made from iron-on beads

Idea and realisation: Kathleen Hauck

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List of materials

Art. no.Name of article
1880412Flat paintbrush synthetic hair, Gr. 12 / 11 mm
1434601Gomille support rail, 12 x 3,5 x 1 cm
1973015ACRYL, opaque paint, ø 35 x 118 mm, 80 ml, ivory-colouerd
1090283NABBI® BioBeads, Best Friends Kit, 180 x 210 x 40 mm, ~1.500 pcs. / 1 pegboards
Additional: Iron


1.Paint the carrier strips with the acrylic paint. To do this, apply the paint directly from the bottle to the carrier strip and spread with a brush. Leave to dry. Repeat the process if necessary if the paint does not cover enough.
2.Place the desired animals on the laying plate using the NABBI® BioBieads.
3.Place the ironing paper contained in the crafting pack on the lined surface and carefully melt with the iron. Do not iron too hot or for too long, as the beads should still have a small hole so that you can put the earrings through them later. Leave to cool.
4.Simply place the cooled animals in the groove of the carrier strips. To attach and remove the earrings, the animals can easily be taken out of the carrier strip and then put back in again.
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For a better hold between the beads, the back can also be ironed briefly. To do this, carefully remove the animals ironed from the front from the laying plate after they have cooled down briefly, turn them over and iron the other side covered with ironing paper.




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